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Зачем Airbnb запрашивает сведения о канадском налоге GST

Under the Canadian Fall Economic Statement 2020, short-term rental platforms are required to charge Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and/or Québec sales tax (QST) on certain bookings. This regulation will be in effect as of July 1, 2022.

If you add your GST, HST, and/or QST numbers, Airbnb will not be required to collect and remit the GST/HST and/or QST on the listing price, cleaning fee, and/or guest service fee.

Как предоставить налоговую информацию

  1. Перейдите в раздел Аккаунт > Налоги.
  2. Нажмите Обновить налоговую информацию.
  3. Выберите Другая страна/регион.
  4. Заполните поля в разделе Информация о налогоплательщике.


If a Host's taxable sales amount is more than $30,000 CAD over four consecutive calendar quarters, they are required to register with Canada Revenue Agency for a GST/HST account (and in Québec, a QST account) within 30 days of reaching the $30,000 threshold.

Airbnb encourages you to provide your GST, HST, and/or QST IDs and to review your pricing.

If you don’t provide your GST, HST, and/or QST IDs, Airbnb will collect and remit these taxes on top of your nightly base price, cleaning fee, and guest service fee for any listing located in Canada.

If you’ve already accounted for GST, HST, and/or QST and have included them in your base price, it will result in higher pricing of your stays.

GST, HST, and/or QST on the listing price and any cleaning fees does not apply to stays of longer than one month. If you only host stays for longer than one month, taxes will not be charged on the accommodation.

Need to register? Here’s how to for your GST, HST, and/or QST.

If you save your taxpayer information and receive an error message, you might be using the wrong format. Here’s the format you should follow for the tax ID:

  • GST: 9 digits, 2 letters, 4 digits
  • HST: 9 digits, 2 letters, 4 digits
  • QST: 10 digits, letters of TQ, 4 digits


Guests are not required to register for a GST/HST account or add taxpayer information to their Airbnb account. If you are already registered for a GST/HST account because you are a business operator, you can add your taxpayer information to your Airbnb account.

If you provide Airbnb with your Canadian GST, HST, and/or QST ID, Airbnb will not charge these taxes on top of the guest fee for any bookings you make at listings in Canada.

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